UPDATES to My Book (on-going)
As experiences, research and study continues along my journey of life and health, I am offering here a summary of anything I have to add to the information in the second edition of my book. This could be new experiences, advances in research or anything like that!
I was hoping to do something similar with my first edition but by the time I thought of it there were already too many updates, so that is when I decided to bring out a new edition instead (especially as I had also ran out of copies), as some sections needed to be completely re-written!
When I add an update on here I will share it to my Facebook page. I will also add it to my newsletters to subscribers to this website, though these newsletters are pretty sporadic at the moment!
Ketogenic Diet
UPDATE 1/8/17 – An update on my journey using this diet. I ended the chapter explaining that I was still seeking the best formula of the diet with regards to carb loading, how often and how much. Well it appears that what is working best for me at the moment is something along the lines of 2 weeks on and a few days off. More than 2 weeks things seem to slow down and my feet begin itching, candida symptoms seems to increase. More recently I had about a week off for my daughter’s wedding and then getting back into things, and now back on and I have lost 5lbs in 2 days and feel detox symptoms. Due to the wedding and other things going on, I have experienced adrenal fatigue and am now taking Nutri Advanced Adrenomax for support which is also balancing my thyroid. This may have clouded the effects of the ketogenic diet in some way, however it is life that we will need addition support now and again for rebalancing and stressful times no matter how good our diet is as that is not the only issue in our balancing processes! I have also began high potency Betaine with Pepsin every time I consume protein which is helping immensely. I have also found increasing protein a little has helped especially with the digestive support, maybe due to excess protein being converted to glucose which keeps the gut bacteria happy? Who knows, but it appears I am moving closer towards my own natural balance. Everyone is different and the Keto diet explained in my book should be regarded as a starting point until you are confidently in ketosis and stay there with slight slip-ups. Then your natural tweaking like this can begin!
I will be doing another hair test on myself shortly as it has been over a year since the last one and will update on here anything of interest!
If you would like to purchase the Nutri products I mention please contact me for advice. These are practitioner-supply products so I can quickly assess your potential for needing them along with any contraindications and give you my practitioner number for ordering them.
Breast Journey
UPDATE 30/4/17 – I have had another thermography scan. I am still placed in the ‘low risk’ category and all surrounding activity to the inactive tumours appears to have greatly reduced.
Allergy Reversal
SEPTEMBER 2017 – I recently have been having magnesium deficiency symptoms which were increasing to the point where I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist and calcific tendonitis in my shoulder (very painful!). I discovered through kinesiology testing that I had mis-matched to magnesium and therefore my body was not utilising the magnesium I had been receiving in the bath (and may not even have been absorbing it!) – the energy mis-match is detailed in the Allergy Reversal chapter in the Addendum. After correction of the mis-match, literally both problems disappeared within a week! So the advice I would give regarding this, if you are taking a remedy or a supplement (magnesium or otherwise), and it is not working, it would be worth testing for a mis-match (you will need to find a kinesiologist who is trained in this practice). I will be including this testing much more extensively in my practice.
UPDATES to My Book (on-going) — No Comments