Natural Health Consultations, Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Reiki, Angel Readings, Homeopathy, Tuition, Yoga and Retreats in South Wales
All modalities of medicine, health and healing, whether they are conventional, complimentary or alternative, are based upon the idea that disease and symptoms are a malfunction of the body which, if we do not intervene with a treatment, will spread …Continue reading →
These new and exciting sessions are a combination of kinesiology, EFT, acupressure and meridian work along with Reiki. We begin by using kinesiology to determine what the body needs to release. This can be focusing upon a specific issue (always …Continue reading →
Here are most, though not all, of my certificates and qualifications. These will be added to as I complete more courses! Also, my membership and insurance certificates are displayed here. Although I endeavour to keep this page up-to-date, if the …Continue reading →
Thank you for visiting my website! I am a holistic therapist qualified in Kinesiology, Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology and Homeopathy and have diplomas in Nutrition for Cancer Prevention and Longevity and Holistic Diagnosis Skills. I have studied and received training in German …Continue reading →
The therapies and combination of therapies I offer can be as individual as the client, and while there is often a specific way I have found to work best as a starting point, the correct path for each client is …Continue reading →
Homeopathy is offered as a part of my Natural Health with Kinesiology sessions. Homeopathic remedies are a system of medicine based on the theory that Like cures Like. It can be extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can …Continue reading →
I have a great passion for Kinesiology and nutritional therapy as they have helped me personally to overcome many conditions and regain my health and balance. My approach in the Natural Health with Kinesiology sessions combines Nutritional Therapy, Kinesiology techniques, …Continue reading →